We are very proud of our Attendance figures and have worked hard to support pupils and parents with getting to school to ensure every opportunity for learning is available. Our Attendance Policy can be found below for further information and parent guidance.
Attendance Policy & Procedures
If your child is poorly, please click on the NHS website below to see if they can come into school or how many days off are required. Staff can administer medication, on completion of a medical form, and keep an eye on pupils throughout the day if required. If children have been awake during the night or over slept, they can come in at any point throughout the day rather than missing the whole school day.
If your child is unable to attend school, please ring school on 01946 372656 before 9:00am to let us know if your child will be absent that day.
Failure to do so will result in a communication process as outlined below:
9:00-9:30 1st Contact by Text Message
9:30-10:00 1st Contact by Phone to all contacts on Scholarpack in order
10:00-11:30 2nd Contact by Phone to all contacts as above
11:30-12:00 Home Visit
12:00-12:30 Contact made with the Safeguarding Hub regarding ‘Child missing in Education’
Please also inform us if your child will be attending appointments and let us know if there is a change of person picking up your child. Our data collection forms are reviewed annually but records can be updated throughout the year if required.
Holidays should not be taken in school term time unless there are exceptional circumstances and it has been agreed, in advance, by the Headteacher. It is important that you do inform us if you are taking your child out for an Unauthorised absence to prevent the Safeguarding procedure above being implemented unnecessarily.
The Staff and Governors of Lowca Community School have pledged to support families in keeping good attendance
Clarification from Cumbria County Council regarding Leave of Absence during term time
- Leave of absence during term time will only be granted under exceptional circumstances.
- The law does not grant parents an automatic right to take their child out of school during term time. The Department for Education allows a Headteacher the discretion to consider authorising a leave of absence in term time only in “exceptional circumstances”.
- No Holidays taken during term time will be authorised.
- The law states that the provision for Headteachers to authorise absence purely for the purpose of a family holiday is not an exceptional circumstance.
- We define ‘exceptional circumstances’ as an event or problem which you did not expect.
- The school considers each application for term-time absence individually, taking into account the specific facts, circumstances and relevant context behind the request. A leave of absence is granted entirely at the Head Teacher’s discretion.
In August 2024, new laws came in to force regarding the issuing of fines from Cumberland Council, for children taking more than 10 sessions (5 Days) of Unathorised Absences. Please see the link below for more information.
Cumberland Letter for Parents School Attendance Letter to Parents
If you still wish to request a holiday in term time, please complete the form below and email to admin@lowca.cumbria.sch.uk
Holiday Request Form Updated Feb 2025